This volunteer activity was written based on the experience of going to September 2019 before Corona.
In the previous post, I briefly explained the process of applying for volunteer work through IVHQ and what help you will receive from IVHQ before leaving for Nepal.
A short-term volunteer trip to Nepal as a woman with IVHQ (1)
*This volunteer activity was written based on the experience I went to in September 2019, before COVID-19. Have you heard of the word volunteer trip, voluntrip? Although I am hungry for experiences abroad, it was a word that resonated with me as I was tire
If you're asking, "So what did you do in that short week in Nepal?", this post has the answer. lol
I am a working person, and our company has no concept of a gap year, so I prepared this trip by collecting summer vacation and annual leave.
Accordingly, the program I applied for was the 'One Week Program'. I participated in the Child Care program in 'Kathmandu' without relocating.
IVHQ is a New Zealand-based organization, and since everything is done in English, people of various nationalities naturally took part.
When I went, a total of 25 volunteers started volunteering on the same day, half of them were Americans and the rest were British, New Zealanders and Australians.
The only Asians were me, a Korean, and a Chinese female student who was my roommate.
*For those who want to meet friends of various nationalities, this is a program that I strongly recommend.
After the orientation, when you are assigned a host family and a volunteer activity center, the full-fledged volunteer activity begins.
I mentioned earlier that I started volunteering on the same day as 25 volunteers.
All 25 people applied for different programs and were scattered because they were in different regions, and in my case, I was assigned to the same host house as 6 people who volunteered in Kathmandu.
There were two more volunteers at the host house who had come before us and had been volunteering for a long time.
The organization I volunteered for was a place called Bal Balika Motessori.
When assigning a host house, it seemed to take into account the distance from the service place to some extent,
In my case, it was about a 10-minute walk from the host house.
Welcome to our school
Bal Balika Montessori is a preschool for children between the ages of 3 and 7.
When I went, there were about 25 children in total.
In addition to the director, there are 3 teachers, 1 assistant teacher, 1 food help teacher,
And one volunteer from Mexico (a friend who was in the same host house as me, and was participating in volunteering for a total of 8 weeks) There were 6 adults like this.
Here, children learn English as well as Nepali.
Learning simple English words from a very young age, and volunteers from various nationalities actually came, so the children seemed to be able to understand English to some extent.
What we did as volunteers was creating a Facebook page for Mexican volunteers, drawing pictures for Children's Day events, helping children present at Children's Day events, etc.
In my case, I worked around the teachers and took care of the children.
In my case, I was mainly with very young children aged 3 to 4 years old.
(My older friends had to prepare for a Children's Day presentation, and there were a few other teachers around)
Kids everywhere are the same
Chatting in Nepali while looking at them with lovely big eyes, bringing toys to play with, endlessly repeating 'what is this', etc.
The children who each approached each other in their own way are still good in my eyes.
It was a short but powerful experience that I will never forget.
In fact, this kindergarten had its own outdoor playground, and was fully stocked with textbooks, writing utensils, and toys.
It was a place where delicious food was served during lunch and snack time.
If you think of a place that needs volunteering, you would think that there would be very poor children or a lot of things needed by the institution, but it wasn't that kind of place.
However, the toys that children play with are not good, so children are easily injured, or it seems difficult to care for sick children separately.
It was clear that additional adult help was needed.
Also, it was not a financially prosperous place because the director paid very little registration fees for children from families in need.
In my case, the volunteer program itself was one week,
Because Monday is orientation and Tuesday is a Nepalese holiday, I didn't work; Wed-Fri I volunteered for just 3 days,
In fact, since Nepal is a country with a six-day work week, where you work from Sunday to Friday, you will also work on Sundays if you volunteer for a longer period.
However, if you talk to the head of the institution, the volunteer can take a vacation (?) for a day or two,
Other volunteer organizations also ended their volunteer activities around 3:00, so I was able to go sightseeing around the area after that time.
In my case, I also enjoyed leisure time with my friends at the host house after volunteering activities, such as shopping on the streets of Thamel or going to Pashupattanath Temple.
Wait, aren't you curious about the 'host house' I keep talking about?
What is unique about the IVHQ program is that it arranges lodging in a local host house.
If you think about it, it would be like Airbnb with volunteer programs mixed in.
However, it was more like a family than Airbnb. It was a short period of time, but it felt like I had another family in Nepal.
It was a time to know how local families in Nepal live like this up close.
I'm supposed to be retired from work ^^; I stayed at the host's house, and I was able to eat home-cooked food every morning/evening.
He said that he had received almost 130 volunteers so far, but I was the only one from Korea.
Besides, in fact, speaking of host families in Nepal, I thought that the facilities would be worse than ours,
The house I was assigned to is a wealthy village like Hannam-dong when it comes to us with embassies all over the place!! the fact that it was.
It was a very nice house with 3 floors, more than 2 rooms on each floor, more than 1 bathroom, and even a lovely rooftop.
It was only one week, and I only volunteered for three days, but the experience I had here was so intense,
It was a pity to stop at once like this, so it was an experience that I really want to do again someday.
There were quite a few people who started volunteering with me after participating in IVHQ's programs in other countries.
There were cases where I came as a couple or mother and daughter, so I have a desire to try it with my acquaintances next time.
If you are very curious about your overseas volunteering experience, but are afraid that it may be dangerous or feel the burden of going for a long time,
Don't forget that you can feel the essence of it with just a week of experience like me and try it!
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